Understandable, Uncomplicated, and Under Your Control

The Wealth Advantage 7 is a Single Premium Fixed Indexed Annuity– a special type of insurance product. When you purchase the Wealth Advantage 7, you pay a certain amount of money to 1891 Financial Life. In return, we promise to return that money, with some extra growth over time. You do that by allocating your money into two accounts: an indexed account and a fixed rate account. The best part? Your money can grow based on how well the selected indexed market does, but if the market goes down, your money won't lose value. It's like having a safety net!

At 1891 Financial Life your indexed portion will reflect the S&P500® and your fixed rate will go into a Single Premium Deferred Annuity. You control the mix of your annuity’s indexed or fixed accounts. Use the fixed rate when you are unsure of the market, or take a shot with the index if the market feels good to you.

Whether you're an individual, a family, a small business owner, or someone nearing or in retirement, Fixed Indexed Annuities can be a smart financial tool to help you achieve your goals and dreams. With a little planning, you can build a secure financial future for yourself and your family.

Product Specs

Check out a brief overview of our Single Premium Fixed Indexed Annuity product (SPFIA).
  • Available for ages from 0 - 80
  • Premium amounts available, Qualified and Non-Qualified funds
    • $25,000 – $250,000
  • Additional premium allowed in the first year.
  • Account value will not go below your initial investment.
  • Annual asset reallocation.3
  • 4-year cap rate guarantee.
  • Tax-deferred growth.4
  • 10% withdrawal privilege after 1st Year.
  • 7-Year Surrender Charge.
  • Death Benefit is the current Account Value.
  • Rider is included!
    • Waiver of Withdrawal Charges for Terminal Illness/Nursing Home or Hospital Confinement Rider. If you are diagnosed as terminally ill or are confined to a nursing home, the withdrawal charge will be waived on a single withdrawal of up to 100% of the accumulation value. Not available in CA.


Subject to change. Products/features may not be available in all states. Product descriptions above are not a statement of contract; please refer to the policy forms for full disclosure of all benefits and limitations 1) 24 FIA Plan Series. 2) Not available in California. 3) Send a written request to the Home Office to change your allocation. 4) Consult your tax advisor regarding your individual situation.