JUNE 28, 2021:
All beneficial NCSF members are eligible to lead a NCSF Pop-Up Impact Team to create an event that will benefit their community or a cause that is NCSF approved.
Have a cause that is near and dear to your heart? Just create a project or event to fundraise and we’ll help.
Gather your closest friends and family together to create an event.
There aren’t many rules:
The initiator of the Pop-Up Impact Team must complete a Pop-Up Impact Team Application. Once the application is approved, the NCSF Home Office will send out a Pop-Up Impact Team box containing t-shirts, banners, and other appropriate marketing material along with a $250 pre-paid VISA card for seed money. The money must be used for event costs only.
The seed money must be spent within 120 days from receipt/activation. The card will not be active after this time period. Any unused seed money will be returned to NCSF. The member leader of the team must complete an event report form directly after the event, as well as submit pictures of the event itself.
Beneficial members are eligible to lead two NCSF Pop-Up Impact Teams per calendar year. You must be 16 years or older to lead a NCSF Pop-Up Impact Team.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us by email mary_seitz-pagano@ncsf.com or by phone at 847-342-4500 ext. 208.