Money Smart Week®

April 24, 2018

April 21-28, 2018 is Money Smart Week® - Communities across the United States are participating in events designed to promote and improve personal financial awareness.

Money Smart Week® is an excellent opportunity to learn about wise spending habits and to evaluate your financial well-being - this includes life insurance. The primary purpose of life insurance is to help protect you and your loved ones from financial hardship.

Steps you can take to become better educated about your life insurance coverage:

  • Review Life Events. Life changing events like a new home or baby are opportunities to ensure greater protection for your family.
  • Learn About the Coverage You Have. The company you work for may pay for life insurance for employees. That coverage is good for as long as you are with the company. You cannot take that coverage with you if you are no longer employed there.
  • Term Life Insurance.  Term insurance coverage will last for only the term specified. It protects your family during that period only.
  • Whole Life. Whole Life Insurance is permanent insurance guaranteed to last for your entire life as long as premiums are paid. It not only provides a death benefit to your beneficiary, but also guaranteed cash values for life’s needs.
  • Early Bird. Getting life insurance coverage when you are young and healthy gives you the opportunity to lock into low rates.
  • Safe and Sound. Make sure all your insurance information is in a safe place. Let your loved ones know where to find it.

A life insurance review should also include planning for future insurance needs to determine if other policies, such as long-term care insurance/riders or annuities, should be a part of future financial plans.

Visit to check out the scheduled events in your community.