Resilience, Agility and Adaptability

November 7, 2022

1891 Financial Life has continued to evolve and undergo some important changes.

Our Summer Summits

We welcomed a new Board of Directors in July at our Member Summer Summit. The Summit brought together about 70 of our members to network and learn what is happening at the Society. There were great speakers, enlightening presentations and excellent discussions. Read more about our event on page 6 in our fall magazine.

Also in July, we held an Agent Summit for our independent life and annuity producers. Agents heard from a couple of motivating and inspirational speakers that shared tips on how to engage with their clients to make sure they have enough protection for their family. Participants also had an opportunity to share their experiences and thoughts about doing business with us. We revealed our upcoming new eApplication and got wonderful feedback.

Home Office News

At the Home Office we made significant improvements in our operations. We updated some of our policies and procedures to further streamline our work and we onboarded some great experienced people to the Customer Care team.

We implemented our eApplication for our independent agents. The eApplication will make application processing easier and faster.

We moved to a new office building in Schaumburg, Illinois. We said goodbye to our aging building and have moved into an office space in a modern and updated office building in a booming business area.

We continue on our path of digitizing our business and improving our processes. We are lessening our carbon footprint making files and important documentation more accessible and secure.

All these things are significant for the future of 1891 Financial Life. Not only for an ease of doing business for our staff, partners and agents – but for our membership as well.

While we concentrate on our business we are also laser focused on our membership. Our Outreach and Engagement department is resolute about our conviction to Lifting Up and Looking Out for Everyone – our members, our business partners and our communities.

For more than a century, giving back to the community while helping individuals achieve financial stability for their families has been central to the mission of 1891 Financial Life. Our very existence stems from the generosity and concern that our founders expressed for a community in need. Lifting up and looking out for others is in our history, it’s who we are and what we do.

NEW Outreach Programs

We encourage our members to volunteer in their communities. Embodying our motto of love, benevolence and charity, members can select the type of activity or project that strikes a chord with them. A local cause, community or person in need can benefit from the thoughtful gift of time and talent.

Consider becoming an Ambassador for 1891 Financial Life. More information about this newly updated program appears on page 24 of the fall magazine.

Impact Team Programs

Looking Out in your Community

Our Courts and Impact Teams really do make a difference. If you are not a member of an Impact Team you can create your own event through our Pop-Up Impact Team Program. If your local parish, school or person is in need of assistance, you can create an activity that can make a real difference. The fundraising possibilities are practically limitless – and a lot of fun – when family, friends, and others in the community gather to host an event. To support your team, 1891 Financial Life provides a custom box of flyers, t-shirts, banners and other marketing material, along with $250 in seed money to help cover event costs.

For members who want to create something more permanent, you can form your own Impact Team. Gather other members, recruit friends and family to volunteer and make a positive impact in your community or for your favorite cause. You’ll make a positive influence on the community where you live, work or worship through a quick and easy fundraiser or service project. Service to others is everyone’s business.

When Caring for Others

Giving back can actually be restorative. It’s a different form of self-care, it’s a particular kind of joy that caring for and giving to others, provides. Time spent in service to others always reflects back on the giver, putting a certain glow on your face and in your heart.

Our time on earth is limited and we should strive to leave something good behind. Think about creating a legacy. You can leave a lasting testament of devotion to your favorite church or charitable organization by making them a beneficiary on your life insurance policy. By naming the organization of your choice as the beneficiary on a life policy, the cause you hold most dear can continue to benefit from your thoughtfulness and generosity for many years.

1891 Funds in your Community

I am pleased to report that 1891 Financial Life’s members volunteer more than 54,000 hours of service each year, and our charitable contributions for various programs amount to more than $13 million. One of the reasons for this success is the flexibility and variety we offer members. You choose the activity or project for which you have a real passion or affinity. Invite others to help, such as other members in your community, as well as family and friends.

Any place you see a need and that can use your help goes a long way to help the collective community. We serve through our faith, commitment, generosity and selflessness each day.
Thank you for all you do.

Lisa Bickus, CEO