15-Day, 15 Mask Challenge

April 23, 2020

APRIL 23, 2020: In the spirit of National Volunteer Week,  National Catholic Society of Foresters (NCSF) is putting out a challenge to our members, Courts, and Impact Teams. It is called the "15-Day, 15 Mask Challenge" to donate to people in need. We are asking our members who sew to make at least 15 masks. If you don’t sew, team up and volunteer to help cut fabric or donate materials. There is also a no sew version of a mask you can make.

With many states requiring everyone to wear masks to keep people safe, the need for them has become much greater. The Home Office Impact Team, Soul Connection 1255, recently made 45 masks and donated them to Church Creek Senior Living in Arlington Heights, Illinois this week. We had the help of three people who sewed and two who volunteered to cut fabric and donate materials. The Impact Team is also making a cash donation to Catholic Charities in Des Plaines, Illinois to help purchase food for their food bank.

From Wisconsin we heard from Board Chair Margaret Schmitt of St. Mary Court 868, who made and donated 135 face masks to a local clinic, two nursing homes, their Parish priests and a UPS driver.

If you have done any other activities to support your community during this time, Let Us Know!

Did you make a financial donation to your parish or food bank? Did you make thank you cards for those on the front lines? Did you deliver groceries or words of support to a neighbor? We want to know!

Send your philanthropic support information and pictures to Fraternal@ncsf.com. We will share your stories, pictures, or videos on social media or in our magazine. We would love for everyone to see what you are doing!

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by the coronavirus. Need help on where to start? Visit this CDC webpage for sew and no sew face mask directions.

May we stay connected like never before!